The Truth of Healing

The Truth of Healing Master Plants are sacred healing tools that require a deep understanding and a rigorous process of preparation on the part of those seeking to integrate into…

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Ñawi Ñawi [nya-wi] is the literal translation of "eye" in Quechua, however the meaning of the term goes beyond that, it also means to look and even speaks of another…

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El Maestro Ajo Sacha

El Maestro Ajo Sacha The master plant Ajo Sacha in bloom. I met Master Ajo Sacha in Chazuta, a town in the northeastern Peruvian jungle. He came by the hand…

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The Eclipse

The Eclipse We live in times of change and confusion in which the voices of the search for truth, righteousness, justice, while they may be real in intent, are shrouded…

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The Voice of the Serpent

The Voice of the Serpent You will hear my serpent voice slithering in your ear…you will see my light without seeing it through the senses...and my warmth will follow you…

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The Shamanic Diet

The Shamanic Diet The beautiful flower of the master plant Bobinsana. The shamanic diet A shamanic diet is an opportunity to work and learn directly from a master contained in…

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Selfless Service

Selfless Service The culmination of a path with the plants, or any spiritual healing path, leads us to the search for true human Dharma through service. As we begin to…

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