Sanango's Writings
“The human being is part of the universe and the universe as a whole is contained in each human being. This is not an idea of the intellect, it is a reality which one must not believe or learn, and it is a reality that one lives.”

The Crisis in the Opportunity
The Crisis in the Opportunity A message of hope for the year 2025 The divinity of Ayahuasca incarnated in the universal mother (Parvati), opening the

The Truth of Healing
The Truth of Healing Master Plants are sacred healing tools that require a deep understanding and a rigorous process of preparation on the part of

Ñawi Ñawi [nya-wi] is the literal translation of “eye” in Quechua, however the meaning of the term goes beyond that, it also means to look

El Maestro Ajo Sacha
El Maestro Ajo Sacha The master plant Ajo Sacha in bloom. I met Master Ajo Sacha in Chazuta, a town in the northeastern Peruvian jungle.

The Eclipse
The Eclipse We live in times of change and confusion in which the voices of the search for truth, righteousness, justice, while they may be

The Voice of the Serpent
The Voice of the Serpent You will hear my serpent voice slithering in your ear…you will see my light without seeing it through the senses…and

The Shamanic Diet
The Shamanic Diet The beautiful flower of the master plant Bobinsana. The shamanic diet A shamanic diet is an opportunity to work and learn directly

Selfless Service
Selfless Service The culmination of a path with the plants, or any spiritual healing path, leads us to the search for true human Dharma through

The Yoga of the Plants
Yoga of the Plants Thank you Luis Nunes, for your art and your presence on retreat with us Teach me Teach me to see To

Open Up Heart
Open Up Heart “Open up Heart, open up feeling, open up understanding, leave reason aside” Rosa Giove Nakazawa (Tarapoto – Perú 1952-2022) The human capacity

A Birth of New Opportunities
Miraculously, the noise of many machineries have been silenced and the blue sky can be glimpsed in the confines where smoke covered the infinity and congested our lungs, preventing us from feeling alive.

The crumbling of the house of God
The crumbling of the house of God The tarot of Marseille is a map of the soul that speaks to us through the so-called arcanas,

The Search for Truth
The Search for Truth The search for truth is undoubtedly the brightest theme to conclude the year 2017 at Sinchi Runa: the search for reality, being,

A letter of gratitude
A Letter of Gratitude “Let’s place an energy of gratitude in our hearts to close the circle of this opportunity…” At Sinchi Runa we often

Remembering an Ayahuasca Seminar
Memories Of An Ayahuasca Seminar Already two months have passed by after the first seminar of Sinchi Runa. We wanted to convey our gratitude to

What To Consider Before Drinking Ayahuasca?
What To Consider Before Drinking Ayahuasca? There are many indications against taking ayahuasca. At the physical level, the most important is a major cardiovascular disorder.

Vedic Philosophy
Vedic Philosophy and Shamanism “Humility; pridelessness; nonviolence; tolerance; simplicity; approaching a bona fide spiritual master; cleanliness; steadiness; self-control; renunciation of the objects of sense gratification;

Addiction is not a disease but a control mechanism
Addiction is not a disease but a control mechanism “Every addiction arises from an unconscious refusal to face and move through your own pain. Every

The Beliefs of Humanity
The Beliefs of Humanity “There is an animal called the elephant, which has no desire to copulate … The dragon wishes the death of the

Ayahuasca Ceremony in Tikal
Ayahausca Ceremony in Tikal Since I arrived to Guatemala, I knew on an unconscious level that it was an opportunity that could provide me an

Removing the Stones of Madness
Removing the Stones of Madness Knowledge is what we learn from experience, is what we accumulate for thought to translate the observed according to the

The Vibrational Change or Awakening
The Vibrational Change or Awakening What many expected from the change of polarity are called biblical apocalypse, overflowing oceans, meteor showers, divine rays dividing the

The Nature of Transgression
The Nature of Transgression The motivations of our reactions and decisions are usually analyzed by us from the prospect of being subjects to the circumstances,

Shamanism & Liberation
Shamanism and Liberation Who is a Shaman? Which is the “real” shamanism? Is very hard to give answer to these questions based on an ordinary

The Awakening of Humanity
The Awakening of Humanity Millenniums ago, humanity started the Era of chaos, forgetting its essence and disconnecting from their own divinity. The way it happened

The Image of Love
The Image of Love Conflict is born fundamentally by two causes, the first of them is by image and the second one is by comparison.

Deconditioning and Freedom
Deconditioning and Freedom We live in a world where we have sacralized certain lifestyles and ideas, devoting them to the ideal of what it should

Noosphere For the definition of noosphere, we rather take for this article the one from the French theologian Pierre Teihard de Chardin. He announce the

Drugs and Drug Addicts as a Cultural Result
Drugs and Drug Addicts as a Cultural Result “The addict will only heal when he receives what he truly ever wanted.” Sanango Approaching the theme

Consciousness Technologies
Consciousness Technologies Throughout millenniums ancient cultures have search for knowledge in their inner being. They were aware of the different states or levels of consciousness