Ayahuasca Deep Immersion
“The truest discovery we could ever make is the unearthing of the universe itself through our own direct experience of being. This is the ultimate divine invitation: the ability to realize and remember who we truly are.”
Embarking upon a deep immersion retreat with Ayahuasca and Master Plant Diets, is an adventure in wonderment, into the heart of self-knowledge. This journey brings us into the essential understanding of our inner world and nature of existence. We are given the opportunity to understand and recreate ourselves from a fully conscious and all-seeing perspective. We actively begin to awaken the wonderment, love, and creativity that is our original, natural birthright. We are able to honestly begin an investigation in finding answers to some of humanity’s most important questions: How does the mind operate? What are the blockages and beliefs that bind one to suffering? How can we finally be free from all the things that keep us in suffering?
The deep immersion retreat at Sinchi Runa is a journey of 3 or more months, a quest that invites us to review and deconstruct any destructive beliefs we have formed about ourselves. Once doing so, we are able to experience the profound healing and understanding that comes from the heart. Not only does this lead us to heal what we perceive as the suffering within ourselves but it allows us to go even further into the exploration of who we really are. The truest discovery we could ever make is the unearthing of the universe itself through our own direct experience of being. This is the ultimate divine invitation: the ability to realize and remember who we truly are.
The quest for truth is both a challenging and rewarding journey. It demands the utmost dedication from the honest seeker. It is the most important adventure of the human being. It is the reclamation of the right to be, to solely exist. Of the freedom to love and be loved. It demands from us the ability to step out from our comfort zones. From the presumed safety of all that we have known. This space of willingness, dedication and sincerity, is the soil upon which the essence of our being begins to bloom.
Through the Ayahuasca deep immersion retreat, we begin to awaken to our inner, innate truth. A truth that grows through our own self-knowledge, healing, and reconnection. Reconnecting with the whole; with the universe; with God. Awakening the intuition of our original ‘Dharma’, that is our true mission and purpose in this world.
Safely held by the wisdom of the plants in a sacred shamanic context, we begin to transform our entire being. We transform and harmonize our suffering, blockages, and limitations through deep spiritual and energetic cleansing. Ultimately allowing the reconnection and integration of inner truth and freedom to naturally flower.

Stages of the deep immersion process
The deep immersion starts with an energetic cleansing and a mental deconstruction of the pre-existing paradigms, beliefs and attachments that may limit us. We review the mechanism of thought in its entirety; focusing on the relational aspects of family, society, sexuality, the “other” etc. This includes a purification of energetic parasites and restrictive thought processes which create and sustain suffering. We are given the opportunity to investigate, and realize all the habits, dogmas, tendencies, self-limiting stories and thought patterns that keep us from being able to live life fully in harmony and peace.
In this stage we begin to cleanse and balance the chakras and energy channels. This is a metaphysical process aiming at opening and living in the heart. Discovering the heart to be the source and fountain of wisdom itself. We awaken the ability to differentiate and discern between the reason and logic of the mind to that of the inspiration, creativity, love and intuition of the heart. We seek to reach a state of unadulterated silence and clear observation in order to perceive this sacred dimension of the heart.
We begin to restore and remember our natural state of existence: our true essence of being. Reconnecting and re-awakening the ever-present awareness that is beyond the restless and impermanent nature of thought and emotion. We begin to realize that our healing and comprehension is able to unfold because we are an integral and important part of the universe. By truly healing ourselves we, in turn, are indeed healing the world. This enables us to establish healthy relationships to ourselves and others by developing acceptance and compassion.
We begin to further understand sexuality as being a vital energy of our being that is closely connected to creativity, creation, enthusiasm and joy. To free ourselves from any moralistic or dogmatic ideas that block and impede the sexual energy from flowing naturally and harmoniously. To embrace sexuality as an intimate form of energetic exchange, expression and communion in love. Understanding sexuality is an important step in being able to experience genuine spiritual awakening.

Awakening Our Purpose on Earth
We gain insight into the meaning and significance of life. Insight into our own personal existence and the role we play in what we perceive to be the world. Along with developing an honest presence; grounding ourselves and reconnecting with the Earth. We are able to create a permanent reciprocal bond with the Earth. Allowing her complex network of information and knowledge to aid us in channeling and transforming our spiritual understanding into action and benefit during our life on Earth.
Ayahuasca Deep Immersion Content
- Three shamanic diets with designated master plants (for 3 month retreats)
- Ayahuasca or Wachuma (San Pedro) ceremonies
- Shamanic consultations with Sanango (translation available throughout the process)
- Assistance with essential preparation before arriving to the center
- Understanding of shamanic processes (purging, decoding, alignment, subtle world and energies, risks and psychic protection)
- Purification period with purgative plants and diuretics
- Full Kambo Initiation Therapy
- Purging ceremonies with purgative medicinal plants
- Post ceremony integration with Sanango
- Post ceremony sharing circles
- Post diet periods and integration work
- Shamanic dream interpretation
- Discursive lectures on shamanism and Vedic philosophy
- Dharma and karma understood through a shamanic and Vedic perspective
- Fire ceremonies for purification and transmutation
- Hatha yoga and heart based meditation
- Accommodation in spacious bell tent
- Daily natural meals in accordance with the plant work
- Dharma and karma understood through a shamanic and Vedic perspective
*These may vary slightly depending on the duration of the retreat