Healing Testimonials from Sinchi Runa Participants
We are honoured to share some of the experiences and testimonials from our Retreat & longer process (Personal Treatments, Deep Immersion) participants below
Releasing Trauma, Healing Chronic Pain - Helge's Journey

“These 3 months at Sinchi Runa fundamentally changed my life. I came to heal from years of chronic physical pain and the after-effects of childhood trauma. Through the process, I was able to understand how my physical and emotional symptoms were connected and the work needed to let go of both.
Healing could only take place when I understood my part of the responsibility and let go of defining myself as a victim of my circumstances.
In the end, this was my most important realization: I don’t heal my body first, and then open my heart. It is the opening of my heart, the feeling and the compassion that heals me and makes my life so much richer.”
Freedom from Substances and Depression - Paige's Recovery

Paige from United States
“I’ve always struggled with depression, and for the last 10 years with substance abuse. My life completely fell apart.
“Healing isn’t for me, openness, happiness and certainly love isn’t for me.” All I could do in that situation was medicate myself. It’s this cycle of shame and guilt, self-hatred, self-denial and you get this belief that if try to address the situation all that what will come out is horrible.
Once I was able to recognise all those thoughts, I was able to recognise this is not who I am. I was able to accept them and love myself despite them, and free myself.
I was the only one that could free myself. Only from going within and taking an honest look at myself and embracing it with an open heart – that has led me to the greatest healing. Self-love, respect, compassion, all these lead to the greatest healing.”
Recovering from Autoimmune Disease - Edouard's Healing

“I was suffering from almost 15 years with an autoimmune disease that was causing me blockages and limited mobility in the lower back, shoulders and neck.
This summer I did a 1 Month Process with Sinchi Runa. It was very intense and healing at the same time.
The two master plant ‘dietas’ with Bobinsana and Chiric Sanango showed me the correlation between my thinking, how I was controlling myself and my thoughts, and the blockages that this was causing in my body. The Ayahuasca ceremonies were tough but helpful, because they showed me programs and parts of me I was not aware of. After just a few days, I could really feel the difference, and I had states of mobility that I hand not had in 15 years. I was dancing and moving.
Coming home, I am confident and have serenity and the sensation that I have everything inside. The medicine showed me the healing way and I feel much better than before.”
Understanding the Roots of Suffering - Stephen's Experience

“I recently ended a 3 month stay at Sinchi Runa. I don’t know how to sum up all that was learned, understood, let go of, and more, in writing.
This has been the most challenging chapter of my life, and without a doubt the most rewarding. I developed an understanding around deep life questions: what is pride, humility, compassion, and gratitude, in what conditions do these arise… An understanding of who I am, and why I behave the way I behave, and what am I doing in the human experience.
It was a learning of how to come out of my suffering, my understanding arose from my coming out of my own suffering… It was very draining, very emotional and very rewarding.
For me it feels it’s a privilege and a great stroke of luck to have come by Sinchi Runa and to work with Maestro Sanango.”
Coming Home to the Heart - Jess' Immersion

Jess from Australia, at Sinchi Runa
“I’ve struggled for the past years with self image and lack of self love. Like I was dragging a ball and chain along in my life, in a constant state of people pleasing and not understanding what I desire. My experience with Mother Ayahuasca was a like a shedding. The big question was Who Am I? Beneath the layers of shame, doubt, criticism.
This process ultimately was me stepping into my heart and listening to my heart. All those questions I was pondering came down to this heart space and understanding myself. I discovered what it is like to be a sovereign human being.
The place I am in now is beautiful. I feel so sensitive to who I am, I feel so connected and with reverence for my body. Sinchi Runa has done so much for my discovery of my truth and who I am. This place has taught me nourishment, stillness and slowness, and that is what I want to cultivate.”
Self-love, Forgiveness and Trust - Saraswati's Process

Saraswati from Brazil
“Coming out of my 4th Master Plant ‘Dieta’ here at Sinchi Runa is beyond words. In this final dieta with the master plant Bobinsana, I finally touched how much I missed loving myself. I realised I never really loved the full of what I am. In the ceremony with the plant, I was truly open, my heart, to the most difficult love which is self love.
I’m leaving with such a trust, in myself and I could see clear, forgive myself for what happened, and forgive the others. I trust that I’m taken care of, by myself and by the universe. It changed my life. That’s it.
I am beyond grateful to everyone at Sinchi Runa that is dedicating to bring this sacred medicine in a safe way but very authentic, pure, and in respect to the spirit and tradition of the plant.”