Already two months have passed by after the first seminar of Sinchi Runa. We wanted to convey our gratitude to the participants, the universe and God; for giving us the honor to work with the master plants in this great adventure of self discovery, connection capabilities and consciousness evolution.
The main objective of the seminar was the beginning of understanding the transcendental. We can begin to see life as an opportunity; in which the impressions in our souls leads us to true knowledge, understanding humbleness, compassion and love. We believe that each participant keeps in their heart the beginning of a different understanding that encourages them to keep walking in this circumstance of incarnation, with a new observation of their within based on the search for wisdom and comprehension.
The impressions in our soul are translated as pain or pleasure, suffering or happiness. We walk through life translating the path in an adventure of perception, which we can take as absolute truth using our senses and emotions that blinds us in our idea of the world and our “rational” thoughts. We can also find the humility to give up our truths and beliefs, opening our hearts, giving the universe our impressions of pleasure, suffering, pain, despair, in the confidence that the act of renunciation purifies the attachment and transforms these impressions in wisdom and understanding beyond reason.
During the seminar each participant chose a stone called Apacheta as an allegory of the Inca. Each stone got our perception, our pain, our images, ego, fears and truths. From that perspective we left them by the purifying fire in the hope of a new beginning and renewal. That offering is a resignation of our own image and ego. The Ayahuasca sessions were also offerings of renewal, sometimes painful or confrontative, as each purge with the force of Kambo or the teachings of Tobacco.
We live in moments in which humanity is seeking to come out of confusion from millennia of barbarism, falsehood times, violence and hatred. Our “civilization” has been based on fear. Fear of our sexuality, of our own nature, of other states of consciousness, of feeling within, of being and seeing.
We are called to meet with the freedom that the universe holds for humanity, true freedom, The freedom that grants the “right to be” and “to exist”. We are called to jump within into the abyss of renunciation of truths and beliefs.
I will never forget the eyes of the participants in the last session, the happiness of being and the immense honor to be there, with all of them, calling their heart and the universe, to rise ourselves, trusting love as the only truth.
Thank you for this great opportunity.