The Nature of Transgression
The motivations of our reactions and decisions are usually analyzed by us from the prospect of being subjects to the circumstances, in a world where we have been led to believe that what is happening almost entirely escapes our control and that we are puppets of gods and fate. Also those who believe that we are some sort of toys of Karma, already defined in previous lives. The first belief is in the collective unconscious from western culture, because “god father” is constantly intervening in their destiny and the second belief is a simplistic interpretation of karma, recreated primarily by those who take without interiorizing eastern concepts in the bazaar of the so called New Age.
The main characteristic of a transgression is that is an irresponsible reaction to a spiritual process, disguised as the circumstance that led to realize it. We must consider that a spiritual process is a process of change, a reconnection with ourselves and the divine. Is not a process of embarking on a belief, but rather to decode beliefs to understand the intelligence of the cosmos, get to understand ourselves and try to comprehend God. The spiritual process is a call to freedom. The transgression is a clinging to the belief and an attempt to give up what is leaving us without paradigms that could free us from ego.
The transgression or the attempt to renounce to freedom is valid considering the suffering that carries change, given that if we are in a real spiritual process, we are going to feel that we are dying and that everything that we took as truth becomes relative or simply does not exist anymore. The transgression is valid from the perspective of the ego trying to survive the “aggression” of awakening or starting to realize the truth of our inner capacity and true freedom through comprehension and divine intelligence. We must free ourselves to be subjects of circumstances, beliefs and dogmas. A spiritual process is to take responsibility for our actions, perceptions, circumstances and reactions. The transgression is precisely the irresponsibility of not taking action in our lives and undermining our own spiritual process, for then attributing to the “circumstance” our departure from the process.
To decode what we’ve crammed as truth for millennia requires a structure and technique. The difficult thing is to understand that decoding is not about having no structure, no ethics, seeing everything as relative and subject to be transgressed. Instead we need to take a structure to decode unnecessary information, understand that the universe has truth and fundamental laws that cannot be violated, that any process of inner change requires responsibility, love for what we are doing and be carried out by the truth we hear in our own hearts.
The transgression of these processes is not only a merely attempt of survival of the ego, is also a waiver of freedom and opportunity. Is clinging to our past and suffering, using it as a wildcard for being irresponsible with ourselves. In comprehension exercises of shamanism with intake of Ayahuasca and Master Plants, the transgression of the work to fallow to awaken within, the transgression of the tools, the misuse of mantras and master plants is exactly turning our backs to our healing process. Is giving for granted the love and compassion delivered by the entities that laid truth in our path not yet revealed for all humanity through the shamans or spiritual guides, truth that was granted to us for the privilege to free ourselves and others.
The greater the opportunity and comprehension is, the more irresponsible is for us and humanity to transgress it. The more we are given, the higher the resignation becomes, losing the opportunity to awaken our hearts through divine intelligence and access true freedom.
17 Aug 2012This post was so inspiring, and furehtrmore coming at a time when direction is in short supply. Recently my thirst for life and exploration has been rekindled and stories like this only reassure me that finding my own path is the only way to truly exist in this world. Thank you for your post. It is people like you that shine the light to guide the way of others, so that they may also one day lead the way