What To Consider Before Drinking Ayahuasca?

There are many indications against taking ayahuasca. At the physical level, the most important is a major cardiovascular disorder. Problems could be caused not so much through the biochemical action of the brew, but through the stress caused by the intense work or circumstance that might come with the session. An ayahuasca session is a great opportunity, but demands a lot of mental and physical strength, for which it is important to have a history free of cardiovascular complications.
At the mental level, there are individuals with serious emotional problems that may hinder the dynamic of the session. These emotional problems can be expressed in daily life by uncontrollable impulses, states of explosive anger or deep states of loss of control. If the participant suffers from so-called black outs or have been diagnosed with a psychiatric mental disorder, a prior personal consultation is needed before the session to evaluate the inner state.
Moreover, there are situations such as addictions or consumption of psychiatric drugs to take into account. If the participant is using any kind of substance, it is very important to have a prior detoxification period. This is preferably done in the center that will realize the ayahuasca session. The use of substances such as cocaine or dopamine stimulants requires a detox period that can vary from 15 to 30 days before the intake of the plant. If the participant discards this indication and wishes to attend a session without disclosing data regarding these issues, it signifies a lack of understanding. Such a participant does not realize the type of medicine that ayahuasca is and will not be ready to participate in a session.
The attitude of the participant seeking their own search for truth, trust, transparency towards himself and to the process, is the most important thing in front of an ayahuasca session or any kind of spiritually based healing.
If the participant is not clear of what type of process he is approaching and has information based only through the impact of online videos, seeking a psychedelic experience or only expecting to receive lights and colorful shapes that can cause great excitement. If the expectation is a spectacular trip or a magic potion, the participant should not drink ayahuasca.
It is important to understand that the mission and spirit of ayahuasca is to heal through comprehension. The great opportunity of humanity with this entheogen is to surpass the barrier of the mind and go beyond the illusion of the state of alertness to obtain wisdom of the universe.
Ayahuasca is not an hallucinogen, is a des hallucinatory substance. Ayahuasca is a portal to the essence of humanity, a portal where memories of the species can be opened. This opening can bring understanding of the higher self and the purpose of each one, not only as an individual, but as humanity. Ayahuasca is a chance to heal the soul and reach the truth that lives within each one.
It is very important that the guide is honest and truthful. Do not take ayahuasca with guides who have new age speeches or messianic ideas. Make sure that the guide or facilitator is not improvising and that has really done a deep work of personal comprehension or a discipular spiritual path. It is advisable to analyze the ethical level of the guide or facilitator, the profusion of “shamans”, “avatars”, “guardians of the medicine” and other bizarre characters is something to avoid when choosing where and with whom to take ayahuasca. An apparent native guide or facilitator does not guarantee anything. Not be swayed by prejudice or pre concepts, neither believe in “shamans”, “natives”, who lives in cities or that are characters full of names or egotistical self-imposed titles.
If you have financial constraints, it is best to wait to fix them. Never make a decision based on finding the cheapest option. Do not trust sessions that only ask for a “collaboration” or are “free”, these are usually desperate acts of the guide or facilitator and is generally a lack of transparency. It is recommended to not do sessions carried out in cities or proceeding from them, in which the guide or facilitator is a multi-task professional.
A genuine ayahuasca ceremony requires a prior preparation, a purge and a preliminary assessment. It is recommended that ayahuasca sessions be done preferably in a center in the jungle or in the countryside where the participant can disconnect from the everyday world. It is recommended to rest after the experience and make the space to take it seriously.
If the participant has a big schedule which is more important compared to the healing process and the session is one of the many experiences of the itinerary, the participant definitely should not take ayahuasca.
The participant must make a careful choice, free of cultural preconceptions, making the proper space and having the respect it deserves. If the previous points are not taken into account, one should not take Ayahuasca.
The best practice to decide where and with whom to do a session is to listen to one’s heart. It is easy to see who is real or not, this is very important when making this decision.
The participant has a decision to make this experience a chance of understanding something far beyond anything imagined. It’s the opportunity to open the heart, mind and being to the universe. The session is an opportunity to heal and be healed through the compassion of the universe. If the participant reaches humility and pureness of heart, it may understand the most important thing of their existence.