The Truth of Healing

Master Plants are sacred healing tools that require a deep understanding and a rigorous process of preparation on the part of those seeking to integrate into this ancestral tradition. As the popularity of these practices expand beyond the jungle, so do challenges related to their adaptation, and the preservation of respect and purity in the application of these medicines, which…


The Voice of the Serpent

You will hear my serpent voice slithering in your ear…you will see my light without seeing it through the senses…and my warmth will follow you beyond the cold…And I will be part of you, earth thrown to the infinite…(translation of Icaro Ayahuasca, Rosa Giove / Peru)Not long ago in the Peruvian Amazon, healing with plants was almost the only “system”…


The Shamanic Diet

A shamanic diet is an opportunity to work and learn directly from a master contained in a plant, with the help of a curandero (healer). The plant becomes your guide and "speaks" within you as all that is true. The master plants, as the name says, are genuine spiritual teachers that are contained in a brew or decoction.We are talking…


The Yoga of the Plants

Teach me Teach me to see To see beyond To see the man within the man To see the sun inside and outside of man Teach me to see, Mother – Mother Ayahuasca (Icaro by Rosa Giove, Peru 1952-2022) – In the West we have related the word yoga with a series of stretches and postures on a mat, but…


The Search for Truth

The search for truth is undoubtedly the brightest theme to conclude the year 2017 at Sinchi Runa: the search for reality, being, the immutable, the transcendent, the pure, the untouchable. What we ultimately pursue is the purpose of human existence; God, the truth or the reason, the dharma, the way; and the relationship with the universe, with the fabric and the weaver. To understand one's…


What To Consider Before Drinking Ayahuasca?

There are many indications against taking ayahuasca. At the physical level, the most important is a major cardiovascular disorder. Problems could be caused not so much through the biochemical action of the brew, but through the stress caused by the intense work or circumstance that might come with the session. An ayahuasca session is a great opportunity, but demands a…


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