Selfless Service

The culmination of a path with the plants, or any spiritual healing path, leads us to the search for true human Dharma through service. As we begin to recognize the Dharma as the path to true humanity, we can begin to recognize the illusions of a false self that binds us to our suffering, and we recognize that the way…


The Yoga of the Plants

Teach me Teach me to see To see beyond To see the man within the man To see the sun inside and outside of man Teach me to see, Mother – Mother Ayahuasca (Icaro by Rosa Giove, Peru 1952-2022) – In the West we have related the word yoga with a series of stretches and postures on a mat, but…


Open Up Heart

“Open up Heart, open up feeling, open up understanding, leave reason aside”Rosa Giove Nakazawa (Tarapoto – Perú 1952-2022)The human capacity to learn to leave the mandates of the mind, to leave the “shoulds”, the ego, accumulated through hundreds of suffering generations sheltered in the intellect in order not to feel, is the key to the hope of a new time. The ikaro…


A Birth of New Opportunities

Right now, we have the power to raise this circumstance into a transformative experience of reflection and love. What we learn from the interaction with the intelligence of the master plants in our bodies is the immense human capacity for connection, far beyond our biological capacity. That all the power of God and the universe resides in us. We learn…


The crumbling of the house of God

The tarot of Marseille is a map of the soul that speaks to us through the so-called arcanas, or hidden energies, contained in symbols or archetypes. In each arcana can be found traits of knowledge or concepts of a previous humanity, who’s wisdom survives in the shadows of this current era of confusion. Over the centuries, these archetypal symbols have…


The Search for Truth

The search for truth is undoubtedly the brightest theme to conclude the year 2017 at Sinchi Runa: the search for reality, being, the immutable, the transcendent, the pure, the untouchable. What we ultimately pursue is the purpose of human existence; God, the truth or the reason, the dharma, the way; and the relationship with the universe, with the fabric and the weaver. To understand one's…


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